Wednesday, March 24, 2010

If you're able, I'd suggest it

They say don't bite the hand that feeds you. What about feeding what bites you?

Most people would likely agree that putting up with people who treat you badly is a negative. But if you think about that, we are kind of taught to do so. The whole "the customer is always right" theory? We are simply encouraging absurd behavior. What is so forbidden about apprising someone when they are unmistakably wrong? Instead of telling it like it is, we allow people to continue living in their own, self righteous dream world. People are going to behave rudely if they can get away with it, and especially if they are rewarded for it. Someone cheats on you, you take them back... that's saying it's acceptable. The people who feel entitled to everything feel that way because someone at some point, or many people at multiple points, in their life taught them it was OK. So break the damn chain. Why continue to applaud the people who are just seeking the attention? Thought of the day, apparently.